Skip> I've got a couple small uWSGI caches in my application, and can see
Skip> many elements they contain, but have no idea what their hit/miss
Skip> are. Is there some API for that? I thought perhaps uwsgitop might
Skip> it, but I saw nothing there.
Roberto> Hi, you can try this:
Thanks. I gave it a whirl. I installed it using pip in a Python3-based
Conda environment. While it installed, when I ran it, I got an error about
'reduce' not being defined. Clearly hasn't been ported to Python 3. No
problem, run it in a Python 2 env. Once installed and run using Python 2,
it displays a number of columns, though the values in the MISS column are
always zero, making the various derived values not-so-useful. That it
doesn't crash suggests that it's likely reading the data correctly from the
socket, but that uWSGI itself isn't keeping track of cache misses, at least
not automatically.
Is there some action I am supposed to take when the request reached my code
(indicating a cache miss)? I saw nothing here:
which suggests that. This seems like the sort of thing uWSGI itself can
keep track of (and more efficiently than me). Am I missing something?
Skip Montanaro